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About Shweta Kulkarni

Zumba® Education Specialist, Mindfulness Advocate, Professional Trainer and Speaker

As an individual I have always been on a journey of reaching my personal best which has given me opportunities to learn about myself and become a better person every day at everything that I do. Having passion for dance & fitness brought me to become a licensed Zumba Instructor. I further accepted an opportunity to become an education specialist for Zumba Fitness LLC. where I have mentored over 5,000 individuals towards their desired goals. As a continuous learner, I followed my passion to become a NLP Practitioner, NLP Master Practitioner, ICF-certified Health and Fitness Mindset Coach, Life Transformational ICF-PCC coach, Workplace Happiness coach and Mindfulness coach. I have been grateful to train and mentor individuals, organisations and communities to perform at their best and achieve their personal as well as business/career goals. My motto is to help individuals discover themselves using mindfulness tools to reach their best potential in all sections of their life.